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Vasvár, Vas, Hungary (German: Eisenburg; not in Burgenland)

Vasvár (Nagymákfa, Kismákfa, Alsóújlak, Castrum Ferreum), Hungary is a town of 4690 residents in Vas County, Hungary, on the bank of the Dráva River to the east of Gussing.

Vasvár was the medieval centre of Vas county, being developed from a former Roman castrum (military defensive position or town) in the early Middle Ages and named after the small iron-smelting-works around the village that processed the so-called 'iron pan' or hardpan of hydrous ferric oxides found in the top layers of soil in local wet areas (“Vas” means “iron” in Hungarian).

First mentioned in early 12th-century documents that referred to its existance in the 9th century. King Béla IV invited the Dominicans to Vasvár in 1241 (the order left the town in 1557 but returned in 1684). Vasvár had a castle and obtained "urban rights" in 1279 (the most important element of these rights was the exemption from customs duties). A Catholic church was built in the 13th century and rebuilt in gothic and baroque style in the 15th century. Vasvár served as the county seat until 1578 when the county diets were moved to Szombathely (because of military threats from the Turks; however, it was not until 1774 that the change was made official). The Vasvár Peace Treaty of 1664 followed the Szentgotthárd Battle during the Turkish wars. The town also appears to have been the seat of a chapter of the diocese (a Catholic archdiaconate) with a "Domkirche" (cathedral, or bishop's church). However, within the 15 years after 1664, the Roman Catholic "chapter" also relocated to Szombathely which eventually, in 1777, became the seat of its own diocese.

In the 19th century Vasvár was again one of the most important towns of the county and the presence of a Jewish synagogue was mentioned (in 1878). Vasvár was again granted town status in 1986.

Family History Library microfilms:
Catholic: Római Katólikus Egyház, Vasvár [FHL INTL Films 602082 -87]
Civil: Vasvár (Vas). Anyakönyvi Hivatal [FHL INTL Films 2234470 Item 3, 2234471 Items 1-2, 2234472 Item 1, 2234473 Items 1-2, 2234474 Items 1-2, 2234475 Items 1-2]
Jewish: Izraelita Hitközseg, Vasvár [FHL INTL Film 642939 Item 2]
Military: Vasvár. Hadkiegészítő Parancsnokság [FHL INTL Film 629874]

In 1899-1904: Small community with 3172 inhabitants. Chair district Vasvár, Court of law Szombathely. Has municipal court, chair judicial office, Dominican cloister.

Businesses & Proprietors:
Hotels (Hotels): z. grünen Baum, Ödön Zsillinszky; z. Krone, Imre Wehofer; z. ungarischen Kónig, Dávid Ragendorfer
Cafés (Coffee Shops): Rágendorfer Dávid; Zsillinszky Ödön
Notar (Notary): Tretter Gyözö
Advokaten (Lawyer): Bolla László; Dr. Gold Jenö; Horváth Jozsef; Krenner Pál
Austreicher u. Lackirer (House painter & lacquerer): Bödy József; Otvös Fülöp
Apotheker (Pharmacist): Fialla József
Bäcker (Baker): Fránkl Kálmánne; Légrády János
Badeanstalt (Public Bath / Swimming Pool): Meleg Fürdö (warmes Bad) (warm baths)
Bank- u. Creditinstitute (Bank & Credit Institution): Hegyháter Sparcassa; Posta Takarékpénztár (Postsparcassa); Vasvári takarékpénztár részvénytársaság (Sparcassa)
Baumaterialienhdl. (Building Material Dealer): Freund Alexander & Sohn, auch Eisen- u. Spezereiwarenhdl. (also Hardware & Spices dealer); Frim János
Baumeister (Architect): Kittler Géza; Kittler János; Kutasy Ferencz; Szily József
Branntweinbrennereien (Spirtits Distillery): Fekete József; Kováts Gyórgy
Brunnen- u. Pumpenmacher (Well & Pump Maker): Pinzker János ifj.
Buchbinder (Book Binder): Horváth (Kóró) Pál
Buchhdl. (Book Dealer): Epele János
Büchsenmacher (Gunsmith): Vindis János
Butter- u. Schmalzhdl. en gros: (Butter & Butterfat wholesale dealer): Eckstein Vilmos; Simon János
Conditor (Confectioner / Pastry maker): Dorner Pál
Delikatessenhdl. (Delicatessen): Kohn Jakabné
Drechsler (Wood Turner): Braun Ferencz
Eierhdl. en gros (Egg wholesale dealer): Weiner Salamon
Eisenhdl. (Hardware Merchant): Freund Alexander & Sohn; Hertz József; Németh István
Essigfabr. (Vinegar Factory): Freund Sándor; Ragendorfer Dávid
Farbwarenhdl. (Paints and Dyes dealer): Rosenberger Bernát
Feilenhauer (File Cutter): Barbalics János
Fischhdl. (Fish dealer): Fischl Samu.
Fleischer (Butcher): Fleiner Jakab; Molnár Sándor
Friseur (Hairdresser / Barber): Kovács Lászlö
Galanteriewarenhdl. (Fancy Goods Dealer): Kohn's Farkas Wwe.; Kohn Jakabné
Geflügelhdl. en gros (Poultry wholesale dealer): Pollak Samuné
Gerber [Weiss-] (Tanner [White]): Auerbach József, Auerbach Sándor; Rosenberger Bernát
Getreidehdl. (Grain dealer): Auerbach József; Breiner Lipót; Kohn's Jakab Wwe; Kohn Mór
Glaser (Glazier / Glass worker): Pfeifer Ignátz; Rosenberger Bernát; Tiborcz Lajos
Gürtler u. Broncearbeiter (Beltmaker & Bronze worker): Liebisch Ferencz
Gutsbes. (Estate Owner): Graf Festetics Taszilló; Meller Heinrich; Simon József; Szabó György; Zsillinszky Ödön
Häute- u. Fellehdl. (Hide and Pelt dealer): Fleiner Jakab
Honigversandt en gros (Bulk Honey Shipment): Dorner Ede.
Hutmacher (Hat Maker): Skladni Lipót és Stögel József
Instrumentenmacher [musikal.] (Instrument maker [musical]): Barabás István
Käse en gros (Cheese wholesaler): Kohn's Farkas Wwe; Mittli Gyula
Kleidermagazine (Clothing warehouse): Ekstein Vilmos; Rozensweig Herman; Thurn Bernh.
Kohlenhdl. (Coal dealer): Freund Sändor; Herz József
Kurzwarenhdl. (Notions dealer): Breiner Mór; Rosenberger Bernát
Lackirer (Lacquerer): Bödy József; Ötvös Fülöp
Landesproduktenhdl. (Native produce dealer): Tiborcz Lajos
Lebzeltner u. Wachszieher (Gingerbread & Wax Candle maker): Dorner Ede; Dorner Pál; Kovács Sándor
Lederhdl. (Leather Dealer): Kohn Farkas, özv.
Manufaktur- u. Schnittwarenhdl. (Drapery Manufacturer & Dealer): Breiner Mór és fia; Neufeld Dávid; Rosenberger Bernát
Maschinenniederlagen (Machinery Warehouse): Hajgató Gyula; Vásárhelyi János
Mineralwasserfabr. [künstl.] (Mineral Water manufacturer [master]): Fialla József
Möbelhdl. (Furniture / Furnishings dealer): Király János; Szökrön József
Molkerei (Creamery): Meller Heinrich
Mühlen [Wasser-] (Mills [Water-]): Szabó József
Mühlenbauer (Mill Builder): Gampel Lörincz
Orgelbauer (Organ builder):Barabás István
Papierhdl. (Paper Dealer): Kohn's Farkas Wwe.; Kohn Jakab özv.; Rósenberger Bernát; Tiborcz Lajos
Produktenhdl. (Produce dealer): Rosenberger Bernát
Putz- u. Weisswarenhdl. (Millinery & White Goods Dealer):Breiner Mór és fia; Neufeld Dávid
Riemer u. Sattler (Strap and Harness maker): Bödy József
Rohproduktenhdl. (Raw products dealer): Spitczer Regina
Sargmagazin (Coffin store): Horváth József, ifj.; Király János; Szökrön József
Schlosser (Locksmith): Hajgató Gyula; Steier János; Vásárhelyi János; Vindis Ferenz
Schmiede (Blacksmith): Horváth György; Huszár Mihály; Leisztinger János
Schneider (Tailor): Morth József; Neher Sándor; Varga Josef
Schuhmacher (Shoe Maker): Boszkovil Josef; Lehner Ferencz; Pecsau József
Seifensieder (Soap Boiler): Deuts Simon
Seiler (Rope Maker): Benczik János; Vegele Ferencz
Speditions- u. Commissionsgesch. (Shipping & On-Commission Transactions): Weiner Sándor; Weiss Mihály
Spengler (Plumber): Lövinger Ignátz
Spezerei- u. Gemischtwarenhdl. (Spices and Groceries Dealer): Auerbach József; Breiner Mór és Breiner Antal; Kohn's Farkas Wwe.: Kohn Jakabné; Kohn Mór; Mittli Gyula; Németh István; Rosenberger Bernát, auch Produkte; Tiborcz Lajos
Tabak-Gross-Verschleiss (Tobacco - Bulk & Retail): Tiborcz Lajos
Tapezierer (Decorator / wall paperer): Bödy József
Tischler (Joiner: wood furniture maker): Király János; Kováts György; Kováts János; Polgár Antal; Sinderlat Mátyás; Steier József; Szökrön József
Tuchhdl. (Cloth Merchant): Breiner Mór és fia
Uhrmacher (Clock Watch maker): Liebich Feren cz; Molnár János
Wagner (Carriage maker): Herényi József; Markus István
Wäscheerzeuger (Underwear Manufacturer): Farkas Róza; Veisz Gizella
Weber (Weaver): Mart József; Szalai Lajos
Weinhdl. (Wine Dealer): Breiner Lipót; Wehofer Imre; Zsilinszky Ödön
Weinschänker (Wine Tavern): Breiner Lipót; Gotlieb H.: Rágendorfer David; Simon Ján.; Wehofer Imre; Zsilinszky Ödön
Weisswarenhdl. (White Goods Dealer): Breiner Mór és fia; Neufeld David; Rosenberger Bernát
Werkzeugschmied (Tool smith): Hajgató Gyula
Wildbrethdl. (Wild Game Dealer): Meiser István
Woll- u. Strumpfwarenhdl. (Wool & Hosiery Dealer): Breiner Mór és fia
Wurstmacher (Sausage maker): Simon János
Zeitung (Newspaper): Vasvárilap Zenei (Barabás István)
Ziegeleien (Brickyard): Meller Henrik; Mittli János

Source: Leuchs Adressbuch, Band 18: Ungarn, Kroatien und Slavonien, 1899-1904, 9.Ausgabe
(Leuchs' Directory, Volume 18: Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia, 1899-1904, 9th Edition)

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