(Our 10th Year - Issued monthly as email by G. J. Berghold)
November 30, 2005
(c) 2005 G. J. Berghold - all rights reserved)

* Current Status Of The BB: Members-1253 *Surname Entries-4457 *Query Board
Entries-3383 *Newsletters Archived-145 *Number of Staff Members-17

RECIPIENTS PLEASE READ: You are receiving this email newsletter because you
are a BB member or have asked to be added to our distribution list. To
unsubscribe, send email with message "remove". ("Cancel" will cancel membership,
website listings and newsletter.)

This first section of our 2-section newsletter concerns:

1. Gemeindeamt Functions
2. Königsdorf Kraut Strudel von Elfi Perl
3. WW-II Mass Grave Found At Schachendorf
4. Recent Burgenland Immigrant Obits - Bob Strauch
5. Chicago BG Martini-Fest A Success - Tom Glatz
6. Village Location Problem - St. Nicholas (Szt. Miklos)

1. GEMINDEAMT FUNCTIONS (from Albert Schuch, Klaus Gerger, Fritz Königshofer et al)

ED. Note: I recently sent the following to some of our editors:

Subject: Gemeindeamt Functions
I need your help. The two most important places for our BB members to obtain
family data are the village parish church and the village civil office. The
civil office (Gemeindeamt) also furnishes birth, wedding and death records and
on occasion may have a village history. My question is "What else happens at
the Gemeindeamt?"

Albert Schuch replies:

A good summary of the Austrian municipalities' competences (responsibilities)
can be found at:
I am copying it below.

The Role Of Local Authorities In Austria

The Austrian municipalities' competences can be summarized as

(1) the municipalities' own scope of action
(2) the delegated field of action, administrative duties (indirect federal or
regional administration) - unlike the status of charter cities in Austria,
which carry out the tasks of districts (administrative bodies with federal and
regional executive level power)
(3) private economic activities (Privatwirtschaftsverwaltung).

(1) Own scope of action

Since the Communes amendment (Gemeindeverfassungsnovelle 1962), the Federal
Constitution in Articles 115 ff. guarantees local self-government, which can be
defended before the Constitutional court; the scope of competences is laid
down in the Federal Constitution:

- general clause: "... in all matters that belong to the exclusive or predominant
interest of the local community and can be performed by it within its own
boundaries and its own capacity"

- explicitly guaranteed: local elections and civil service, local police,
local traffic and roads, local markets, emergency and general rescue services,
fire protection, building regulations, local land use planning, cemeteries

- internal organization

- local security and police tasks (public law and order, traffic, supervision
of events, markets, health, building and construction, fire safety, etc.)

- spatial planning and environmental commissions

- administration of traffic areas.

To ensure that these duties can be carried out, the municipality has the
right to issue laws (municipal decrees). In the framework of its own field of
authority the municipality is free to make decisions independently.

(3) Private activity

Apart from the autonomous and delegated responsibilities (indirect federal
and regional administration), the municipality has the constitutional right to
act as an independent economic unit, so as to dispose of any kind of property,
run economic enterprises, administer its own budgets and levy taxes. Examples

- water and energy supply, local transport, sewerage, garbage collection and
disposal, hospitals, sports facilities, public housing, basic social welfare,
local subsidies

- administration of commercial/industrial holdings

- cultural centers

- social welfare centers

- housing construction

- road construction

- setting up structures to respond to the environmental needs of citizens.

ED. Note: In addition to those civil record functions already mentioned, the
Gemeindeamt, under the direction of the Bürgermeister and the village
council, with the assistance of Amtmänner and Notäre (office staff as needed)
performs most of the other functions performed by our own city hall or town council.

Klaus Gerger, in a discussion we had during a recent visit, informs me that
electric and telephone service are the responsibility of separate agencies.

Fritz Königshofer writes: As I have not lived in Austria since 1974, my
knowledge on this question is limited.

One major local responsibility (of the Gemeindeamt) is the collection of
residency records (Meldezettel). Practically all visitors get recorded this way,
as do, of course, all the locals when they move in, or when they move from one
address to the next. However, I don't know whether this is handled by the
Gemeindeamt or by the police.

Austria recognizes three different lowest political organization levels.
These are Gemeinden (communes), Märkte (market towns) and Städte (towns). These
three types have progressively more responsibilities, i.e., a town can decide
more matters than a market town, and a market town more than a commune.

Communes, market towns and towns belong to court districts (Gerichtsbezirke),
and court districts are usually part of political districts (politische
Bezirke). A political district may be its own court district, or it may contain a
few (about three) court districts.

The organization of police and education (schools) follows the district
concept, though somewhat in parallel and not locally hierarchical, as many
authorities in Austria. It's a bit like a matrix structure. A "district school
council" (Bezirksschulrat) would report to the Landesschulrat (state school
council), but would also cooperate with the political leadership of the political

The question you posed, and which you try to explain to BB members, is actually
a very complex one, as responsibilities and hierarchies have also changed a
lot over history.

(ED Note: Considering all of the above, it's obvious that requests for family
information must take a very low priority. We are fortunate that we do get
help and cooperation. Spur of the moment visits, without appointment or notice
may not always be as successful as we wish.)


(ED Note: BB member Alfred Peischl from Gumpoldskirchen replies to our
previous article asking for Kraut Strudel recipes.)

Gerry, here is a recipe for Kraut strudel made by my Cousin Elfi Perl of
Königsdorf: Wünsche gutes Gelingen ! I also translate it into English.

Ing. Alfred Peischl

Krautstrudel Aus Küchen von Elfie Perl

Fülle: Frischkraut klein hacken, einsalzen und ca. 2-3 Stunden stehen lassen
(je nach Geschmack kann man das Kraut auch dünsten und mit gebratenen
Speckwürfeln verfeinern).

Filling: Slice fresh cabbage, salt it and let it rest for 2-3 hours.
[alternatively, you can also stew it (until limp) and add some roasted
lard-cubes (bacon bits or grammel)]

Teig: 25 dag glattes Mehl, Salz, ca. 1/8 l warmes Wasser (etwas mehr), 1
Löffel Öl

Dough: 25 dag (0.55 pounds) fine flour, salt, 0.125 liter (0.26 pints) warm
water (or a little bit more), 1 Tbsp of oil.

Aus den Zutaten einen weichen Teig herstellen und gut durchkneten. Diesen
lässt man 1/2 - 3/4 Stunde rasten. Danach den Teig auswalken, dünn ausziehen (!)
und mit Öl bepinseln. Das Kraut ausdrücken und auf dem Teig verteilen,
pfeffern und mit dem Löffel ein wenig Öl darübergeben. Nun von beiden Seiten zur
Mitte hin einrollen und die Strudel oben mit Öl bepinseln.Im Rohr auf mittlerer
Schiene bei ca. 180° backen.

Make a soft dough with the above ingredients and knead it well. Then let it
rest for about 30 to 45 minutes. Take the dough and roll it with a rolling-pin
and then pull it to get a very thin dough and put some oil on it with a
brush. Then press the cabbage to get rid of the water and scatter it evenly on the
dough. Sprinkle black pepper to taste and a little bit more oil with a spoon.
Roll the whole dough from both sides to the middle and brush it with oil. Then
put it in the oven and bake it at 180° C (350 F until it is golden brown).
Best served warm.

Wünsche gutes Gelingen ! Wishing you a lot of success! Hope the translation
is understandable. Please check the conversions of the measures! I'm not good
in translating recipes! I hope you understand rolling (and pulling) the dough.
The dough should be so thin that a newspaper can be read under it!


In two previous articles we addressed WW-II concentration camp activity at
Schachendorf (near Rechnitz).

BB members John Rajkovacz and Carol Wagner both advised that ORF (Austrian
Radio) recently reported that a mass grave containing about 250 bodies was
discovered near Rechnitz, the remains of concentration camp inmates who had been
transferred to the Hungarian border region to construct military defense
positions in 1945. They were then shot following the completion of their work and
buried in a mass grave. It is unknown if the site will be memorialized.


Julius Kalch, 79, of Bethlehem, PA died November 7, 2005 in Lehigh Valley
Hospital in Allentown. He was born April 14, 1926 in Neustift bei Güssing, the
son of the late Julius and Anna (Kropf) Kalch. His wife Gisela died in 1997.

Hans Schulter, 70, formerly of Allentown, passed away Saturday November 19,
2005 in Bethlehem. He was born in Dobersdorf, Burgenland, the son of the late
Albert and Anna (Venus) Schulter. A member of the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft
for many years, he also sang in the chorus of the Lehigh Sängerbund .


The Burgenländische Gemeinschaft held a very festive event in the beautiful
Emerald Room on November 4th at Gaelic Park in Oak Forest. With a capacity
crowd, it was the scene of the second annual Martini-Fest and an exciting Miss
Burgenland pageant.

The St. Martin's Day tradition originated in France and spread to Austria,
Germany, and Eastern Europe. It signals the end of farming and the start of the
harvest season. It also means the end of the period of All Souls. An old
legend says that St. Martin in his attempt to resist being appointed a bishop was
betrayed by geese as he hid in a stall. Therefore geese are eaten on this day.
The Fasching or Karneval season begins on November 11th. In the alpine
regions, Martinitag coincides with "Vieabtrieb", bringing the livestock back into the
villages from the higher elevations. In some Catholic areas of Austria and
Germany, children carry paper lanterns. A man wearing the outfit of St. Martin
leads the children in procession. They sing about St. Martin. In Croatia, St.
Martin's day can mean the tasting of the first year's wine. One of the patron
saints of the Catholic Church in Schachendorf, Burgenland, is St. Martin. Hence
a Martini-Fest is held in this village.

BG President Karl Billisits greeted the many clubs and organizations in
attendance at the Martini-Fest: Austrian General Consul of the Midwest, Dr. Robert
Zischg and Mrs. Zischg; Jolly Burgenländer Social Club President Anita
Walthier; DANK South President Doug Schmidt; Steirer Club of Chicago President Josef
Wilfinger; Czecho Slovak American Musicians Club Hans Schaden. Also present
were members from the Austrian Mixed Chorus, Kärntner Klub Koschat, Siebenbürger
Sachsen Zweig Neun, Peace Memorial Church, Lieblinger Vergnügungs Verein, The
Dartmen Social Club, and the Pilgrim Social Club.

The Emerald Room was filled to capacity. Burgenländische Gemeinschaft members
and guests were entertained by music of the Phoenix band. Austrian Consul Dr.
Zischg counted the votes for the Miss Burgenland election. He also spoke of
John Radostits, deceased previous BG president, and paid tribute to the BG for
perpetuating Burgenland traditions and culture in Chicago.

The attractive Miss Burgenland candidates were Kate Radostits and Mary
Hermes. All guests were given the opportunity to vote for their choice and results
of the voting were very close. The last Miss Burgenland, Sara Karlovics, told
of her experiences as the former Miss Burgenland and how this enriched her
appreciation of her Burgenland ancestry. She bestowed the sash and tiara on the
new Miss Burgenland, Kate Radostits. Kate will represent Chicago Burgenländer
next year in Austria to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the
Burgenländische Gemeinschaft worldwide. President Karl Billisits then gave special
recognition to BG member Hermine Volkovits and her long deceased husband Frank. They
were instrumental in founding the Chicago branch of the Burgenländische
Gemeinschaft almost fifty years ago.

We are grateful to all previous Miss Burgenlands: Anita Walthier, Sara
Karlovics, Carol Scholler, Kathy Funovits, and Vikki Varga as well as runner up Mary
Hermes and the new Miss Burgenland, Kate Radostits. They sold the raffle
tickets and distributed the door prizes! As usual the BG women brought genuine
Burgenland tasty items for sale! Thanks, to all of the board members who worked
so hard to provide an entertaining and memorable Martini-Fest.


Many of our queries still concern village locations, even though our homepage
websites are full of helpful web pages. The following initiated a lengthy
thread on the Burgenland Query Board.

In a message dated 10/26/05, a correspondent writes:

Dear Mr. Berghold, I have been looking for a map that would show me where a
place called V. Szt. Meiklos is. My husband's grandparents came from there. The
village is shown on the Ellis Island site spelled like this. I suppose the V
is the county of Vas or perhaps Varasd but I have been unable to find any
other information. Could you please steer me in the right direction?

Reply - I'm fairly certain this is Sankt Nicolaus, a village in southern Burgenland
in the district of Güssing. It is now an appendage of Güssing and not too
far from the Hungarian border. Its Hungarian name (pre-1921) was Varszentmiklós
and it also had a Croatian name of Sveti Mikula. It can be spelled St.
Miklós. What you have from the Ellis Island records is obviously a phonetic
spelling. There are other villages named St. Nikolaus but I believe your V (Var)
proves it is this one. There is a church which was used until about 1890 when the
parish (Croatian) was amalgamated with the parish of Güssing. You will find
both parishes in the LDS microfilm records (1828-1896) after which the civil
records were recorded in Güssing.

Go to the Burgenland Bunch website and click on the web pages dealing with
Burgenland maps and house numbers. You will find a map showing this village
and the householders in 1858. The village was founded by Croat refugees brought
to the Güssing Herrschaft (domain) in 1524 by Franz Batthyány. German-speaking
people also settled there.

Newsletter continues as no. 145A.

(Our 10th Year - 10 Pages/2 Email Sections Issued monthly by G. J. Berghold)
November 30, 2005
(c) 2005 G. J. Berghold - all rights reserved)


This second section of our 2-section newsletter concerns:

1. Membership Problems - Returned Newsletters
2. Variations In The Spelling Of Burgenland Names
3. Questions Concerning Military Records
4. Hungarian Immigrants & Descendants In Allentown, PA, May Lose Church
5. Counter-Reformation In Southern Burgenland - Neuhaus


I'm concerned about the number of newsletters being returned as undeliverable.
Members are not keeping us informed of address changes. This means they are
removed from the newsletter distribution list and no one is able to contact
them. In effect they become deadwood in our files. I hesitate to remove them
from our web pages as the data they've provided still has research value. Some
50 addresses failed distribution of newsletters nos. 144 & 144A. With a total
of over 1200 readers, this is not a large percentage, but still more than we'd
like to see. It is possible that some may be old addresses that have not yet
been removed from the distribution list.


Anyone who has researched Burgenland family for a few generations has
undoubtedly found variations in the spelling of some family names. The further back
we go, the greater the probability of change. We are well aware of phonetic
spellings acquired at port of entry, spellings which changed due to language
differences as German, Hungarian and Croatian priests, pastors and government
officials replaced each other and spellings which changed as the umlaut and other
diacritical marks were dropped in favor of English substitutes, like the "e" in
the American name Muehl (Mühl). I often receive queries asking me if such spelling
variations apply to a given family name and quite often they do. Recently I
was scanning some files given me by Klaus Gerger. I found a list of general
changes to the spelling of local Burgenland names encountered in church and civil
records as a result of the move from Hungary to Austria. I don't know who
recorded them but I feel it was the work of some researcher compiling records for
a research paper. They have been copied below and you may wish to apply them
to your own family names. Our thanks both to Klaus and the unknown author.

A=O     like Adlovits-Odlovits
Ai-Ei   like Aichler-Eichler
B=V     like Bodisch-Vodisch; Billovits-Villovits
B=P     like Berger-Perger; Brenner-Prenner
B=W     like Botka-Wotka
C=G=K   like Cavalar-Gavalar-Kavalar; Casper-Gasper-Kasper
C=K     like Clement-Klement
Ch=K    like Christ-Krist; Chober-Kober
Cs=Tsch like Csandler-Tschandler
Cz=Z    like Czotter-Zotter
D=T     like Dugovits-Tukovits; Deutsch-Teits
F=V     like Felinger-Velinger; Fennes-Vennes (Venus)
F=Ph    like Filippi-Philippi
G=K     like Groboth-Kroboth; Gallovits-Karlovits
H=a/o   like Mahr-Maar-Mar; Mohr-Moar-Moor
J=Sch   like Jusits-Schuschits
P=B     like Pauer-Bauer; Pleier-Bleier
S=Sch   like Seper-Scheper; Sveinzer-Schweinzer
Sz=S    like Szorger-Sorger
T=D     like Tax-Dax (Dex); Traxler-Draxler
Tsch=Cs like Tschandl-Csandl
U=O     like Urban-Orban
V=B     like Verkovits-Berczkovits
V=W     like Volf-Wolf; Vexler-Wexler
W=V     like Veber-Weber
Y=J=I   like Mayer-Majer-Mejer-Meier

If you scan the existing Burgenland phone book, you will find many of these
variations. Exactly when a particular family changed the spelling can be a very
important clue as to whether a family with a similar spelling is part of your


In a message dated 11/17/05 to Albert Schuch, copy to the Editor, Michael Huber

My father is from Unterschützen, near Oberwart. His grandfather, Johann
Huber, was a platoon leader (Zugführer) in the Kaiser's Army. Johann was born
in 1864 and served in the Austrian Army in the late 1890s. Can I access
military records online? If not, can you please tell me where to write to inquire
about obtaining information on the records? Finally, my grandfather was in an
Austrian Mountain Division in World War Two. Are there military rosters
available with that information?

ED. Reply - Have you tried any of the military links listed in the Internet
Links section of our homepage - you reach them by clicking on the subject heading?
There are a number of military web sites.

Albert Schuch replies: It is not possible to access military records online.
They are kept in the war archive (Kriegsarchiv), records after the year 1918
(including World War Two) in the archive of the republic (Archiv der Republik).
You will find a lot of information (in English language) about both archives
and their holdings via the website of the Austrian State Archives
(Staatsarchiv) at

The direct links are (Kriegsarchiv)
and (Archiv der Republik)

Written inquiries about available documents on your ancestors (including
birth dates and, if known, details on military career) should be sent to
the Archiv der Republik and the Kriegsarchiv.

   (courtesy Bob Strauch)

(ED. Note - Those of us tracing family of turn of the century immigrants may
lose sight of the fact that another wave of emigration took place following WW-II
and again in the late 1950's as a result of the Hungarian revolution during
Russian Communist domination. This group is now aging but fills the ranks of US
ethnic clubs and churches. One group from Hungary built a Catholic church in
Allentown, PA, which is still quite active. Bob Strauch sends us the following
information extracted from an article by Tim Blangger of The Allentown
Morning Call.)

At a recent meeting, members of Allentown's St. Stephen's Hungarian Roman
Catholic Church discussed the possible sale of their church with representatives
of the Allentown Diocese. The Syriac Catholic Diocese in New Jersey recently
approached Allentown Diocese officials, expressing interest in buying the
Hungarian church at Fifth and Union streets.

Leslie Szukics, 68, of Allentown, a spokesman for the congregation says the
message they want to give [to Allentown Diocese Bishop Edward P. Cullen] is
that they do not want to sell the church, under any circumstance. Szukics has
attended the church since 1956 when he came to Allentown from Hungary. Like many
of the older parishioners, Szukics fled to the United States during the
Hungarian Revolution of 1956-57. A shortage of priests seems to be the main reason
for selling the church, which has a congregation of about 150 families. Syriac
and Hungarian Catholic liturgies are very different and many of the immigrants
feel their church is their last bit of Hungary. They built the church in the
late 1950's using their own labor and funds.

   (from Tom Grennes & Fritz Königshofer)

Tom Grennes writes to Fritz Königshofer: Thank you for your informative
article on the Lutheran Origins in Burgenland. My grandmother's church was in
Neuhaus am Klausenbach. You may know that Gerry Berghold translated and summarized
part of a church history from Neuhaus in the January 31, 2005, BB Newsletter
(No. 136A). You noted that a Lutheran church in Neuhaus was a kind of refuge for
Lutherans as late as 1640 because of its connection with the mother of Adam
Batthyány's mother. Do you think the current church in Neuhaus is the same church
that existed in 1640? I am not familiar with the details of the
Counter-Reformation. How were people returned to Catholicism? Threats? Killings?
Destruction of Property? Conversion of leaders?

Fritz replies: As to the Lutheran church of Neuhaus, I consulted my "Dehio
Burgenland" (art monuments of Austria). Accordingly, the current Lutheran
parish church was built in the year 1801, i.e., after the tolerance edict issued
by emperor Joseph II. The Catholic parish church is much older. It was
"re-erected" in 1690, but the parish had existed much longer. My interpretation of
these data is that the old Roman Catholic church had been taken over by the
Lutherans, but was in the Counter-Reformation taken away from them, perhaps
damaged or destroyed, and then rebuilt as a Catholic church.

I don't know how people were "persuaded" to become Catholics again. However,
clearly threats were involved. I would assume that the first penalties would
have been damage to farm and land, then perhaps confiscation, followed by
massive threats to life and limb. This was combined with more severe persecution
of Lutheran pastors, their ejection and acts of humiliation. In an earlier
BB Newsletter, I wrote about Oberwart, an old stronghold of the Reformed
branch of Protestants. When the Counter-Reformation came to this town with force
in about 1670, the leaders of the Reformed community had their houses destroyed
and were personally humiliated (paraded through town naked with beards tied
together). You have to assume that these were vicious times.

To which Tom replies: I re-read your information and Gerry's translation of
the history of the Neuhaus church, and a family history done by my brother
(based mostly on oral sources - my grandmother, her siblings, and cousins). I
think I understand the chronicle of events, but a certain paradox remains. At
about the time the Counter-Reformation succeeded (around 1634), my Lutheran
ancestors arrived in Burgenland. Why weren't they expelled? In Neuhaus, Lutherans
were protected by sympathetic nobles, such as Batthyány, Nadasdy, and von
Zetschy until 1634, when they were forced to convert or migrate. Lutheran churches
were not "legitimate" again until after 1781, and the current Neuhaus church
dates from about that time. (They recently celebrated their 200th anniversary).
My family history (Ruck family) claims that the Lutheran Rucks lived in
Bavaria, near Regensberg and were uprooted by the Thirty Years War that ended with
the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. They had to leave because the Bavarian ruler
was not Lutheran. They appeared in Burgenland around 1650 as some kind of
military colonists summoned by Hapsburg rulers to defend against Turks on the
eastern frontier. A Ruck ancestor fought at the Battle of St. Gotthard, and other
Rucks fought at the second siege of Vienna. It is said that for their service
they were allowed to use land near Güssing and St. Gotthard and were given
certain privileges, such as freedom of worship. Eventually they ended up in
Neuhaus, Minihof Liebau, Tauka, and villages south of the Raab. Is it plausible
that they were exempt from the rules of the Counter-Reformation that was being
imposed on others? Could they have ended up in Neuhaus because some people
remained sympathetic to Lutheranism in spite of its official illegality?

To which Fritz replies: Why your Ruck ancestors would move into the realm of
the Habsburgs (which was converting back to Roman Catholicism by the early
1600s), I don't know. I can only surmise that Hungary still was known for more
tolerance than the other parts of the Habsburg empire. Neuhaus am Klausenbach
served as a special refuge until 1640, i.e., until the death of Eva Batthyány
nee Poppel von Lobkowitz. Countess Eva was the mother-in-law of the local
ruler, Adam Batthyány. She resided at the castle of Neuhaus and did not
implement the re-Catholization decree of her son. He had expelled all Protestant
preachers in 1634. However, there was probably not much direct action against
the Protestant flock at the time, and Neuhaus seems to have served as a refuge
even for preachers, and public religious services were still held there.

In the 1660s, the Turks became a serious threat to the empire, culminating in
the Battle of Szentgotthárd (the Austrians call it the Battle of Mogersdorf)
in 1664. I could imagine that it was more important to have good soldiers at
the time, than insist on the "right" religion. It is known that some of the
soldiers of the Imperial Army afterwards stayed and settled in the area, for
instance in Wallendorf. Count Batthyány certainly provided a contingent of this
army from among his subjects.

After this battle, the Habsburg and Turks signed the so-called 20-year Peace
of Vasvár. It did not last the full 20 years, as the siege of Vienna happened
in 1683. My theory is that this peace provided the opportunity for the local
rulers, the emperor, and the Catholic church to take their most drastic
counter-reformation measures in Western Hungary, meaning, probably in the late 1660
and throughout the 1670s. This is when individuals were coerced back into
Catholicism and prayer houses and churches were razed.

Then the Turkish danger loomed again. I think it was connected with this
danger and the related wish to gather all possible support behind the Empire,
that the Hungarian nobles, at the Landtag (parliament) session of 1681 at
Ödenburg (Sopron), made the emperor accept the compromise of allowing two Protestant
churches per Hungarian county (the so-called articular churches, as their
existence was derived from an "edict" enacted in Ödenburg). In Vas county,
these congregations became the Reformed one in Oberwart, and, I believe, a
Lutheran one in Eastern Vas. I don't know the latter's location right now, but it
was not anywhere near Neuhaus. In view of the distances, it was from then on
difficult but at least possible again to live one's life as a practicing
Lutheran. Keep in mind that I cannot claim exact knowledge of this subject.


BURGENLAND BUNCH Coordinator & Editor Newsletter (Gerald Berghold)

A Staff Photo may be found at BB-Staff.html

BB ARCHIVES & STAFF can be reached via Home Page hyperlinks

The BB is in contact with the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft, Hauptplatz 7,
A-7540 Güssing, Burgenland, Austria.

Burgenland Bunch Newsletter distributed by, Inc. P.O. Box 6798,
Frazier Park, CA 93222-6798

Newsletter and List Rights Reserved. Permission to Copy Granted; Provide
Credit and Mention Source.