(Our 9th Year-20 Pages / 4 Email Sections Issued monthly by G. J. Berghold)
November 30, 2004
(c) 2004 G. J. Berghold - all rights reserved)


RECIPIENTS PLEASE READ: You are receiving this email because you are a BB
member or have asked to be added to our distribution list. To discontinue these
newsletters, email with message "remove". ("Cancel" will
cancel membership, website listings and newsletter.) Send address and listing
changes to the same place. Sign email with your full name and include BB in the
subject line. Send no attachments or graphics unless well known to me. Please
keep changes to a minimum. To join the BB, see our homepage. If you join, your
email address will be available from our websites. We can't help with
non-Burgenland family history. Appropriate comments and articles are appreciated.
Staff and web site addresses are listed at the end of newsletter section "C".
Notes and articles without a by-line are written by the editor and reflect his
views. Members please exchange data in a courteous and cooperative manner-not to
do so defeats the purpose of our organization.

This first section of our 4-section newsletter concerns:

1. The Burgenland Emigration To America - (Amerikawanderung)
2. Correction To NYC Burgenland Club Address
3. Kopreinitz, Slovenia
4. Burgenland WorldGenWeb Query Board


(ED. Note: Dr. Walter Dujmovits, President of the Burgenland Gemeinschaft and
author of the subject book, has supplied the following. I include his German
language email. I urge members to get a copy of the book - available from the
BG office in Güssing - the pictures and lists of names are of value even if you
know no German.)

Emigration from Burgenland to America by Dr. Walter Dujmovits
(translation by Inge Schuch - edited with added items in parens.)

No other region in central Europe has seen more people emigrate than the
Burgenland, which ranks among the top emigration regions even on a pan-European
scale. Thus, at least 100,000 Burgenländer and their descendents were living in
America at the end of the 1970s (80% in the U.S.A., 12% in Canada, 5% in
Argentina, 2% in Brazil, and the remainder in other American regions).

Emigrants from the province of Burgenland accounted for as many as 61% of all
U.S. immigrants from Austria registered in 1922 (5,346), and for more than
70% of all U.S. immigrants from Austria in 1923 (6,683). In those two years, an
average of 600 Burgenländer emigrated each month - basically (the population
of) an entire village every month. At that time, every 11th German-speaking
person, boarding an emigration ship, had been born in the district of Güssing. In
1939, 21% of the population of Güssing, or every 5th Güssinger, was in fact
living in the U.S.A. - all in all, as many as 8,200 people.

The wave of emigration from Burgenland to America had highly distinct
features from the very onset; emigrants from Burgenland stood out from all emigrants
from Austria or Hungary. In Chicago, people of Burgenland stock were even
classified as a separate ethnic group (Germans, Austrians, Burgenländer ...).

The dearth of land, owing to the smallholdings (of land) prevailing in
Burgenland, exacerbated by an estate splitting tradition (primogeniture), as well as
the overpopulation of a region subsisting on agriculture, initially prompted
people from Burgenland to seek seasonal employment in various regions of
Hungary and Lower Austria, and later sparked a wave of emigration to America. There
was a time when virtually everybody in Burgenland had an uncle in America and
an aunt in Vienna.

When World War I broke out, the flow of emigration from Burgenland had
reached the 33,000 mark. Another 24,000 Burgenländer left their homes between World
Wars I & II, and another 5,400 emigrated after World War II. Adjusted for
re-migration, this adds up to a permanent migration loss of 52,000 people. (It's
estimated that perhaps 25% returned to the Heimat.) When one considers those
not covered by the official statistics, this figure could be even much higher.

The first emigrants from Burgenland settled in the German belt stretching
from New York to Pennsylvania, and onward to Chicago and Detroit. Above all, in
the rural regions of Pennsylvania, immigrants from Burgenland have left their
mark on the population and settlement structure. In those regions, traditional
customs and the German mother tongue (in the form of "frozen" dialects) lived
on virtually untainted. A lot of immigrants from Burgenland worked in one of
numerous cement mills established in the area of Allentown, Northampton,
Coplay, etc. (in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania), which hired thousands of
laborers, particularly before World War I. They produced the huge volume of
cement needed to build the Panama Canal.

As the immigrants were typically joined by friends and family, every
immigration region (enclave) in America tends to reflect a particular emigration
region in Burgenland. Thus, the vast majority of Chicago's population of Burgenland
descent comes from the Oberwart district, whereas migrants from the Lake
Neusiedl area moved mostly to St. Paul, and people from Güssing typically settled
in New York, (PA. and NJ) etc. Some 30 years ago Chicago was home to 30,000
Burgenländer and their descendants - three times as many as the population of
Burgenland's capital Eisenstadt.

The global community of Burgenländers is represented by the association
called the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft", established in 1956. This association
promotes the interests of Burgenland expatriates, offers them a range of
services, and publishes the magazine "Burgenländische Gemeinschaft". In its mission
to help expatriates maintain close ties with their homeland, it has since been
joined by the "Burgenland Bunch," founded by the children and grandchildren of
American immigrants from Burgenland (who wish to identify immigrant
ancestors, villages of origin and learn something of Burgenland culture)

The Burgenländische Gemeinschaft may rightfully claim to have kept alive the
interest of emigrants in the old country. Over the years, it has helped
numerous emigrants stay in touch. It has thus preserved an invaluable network of
friends abroad from which today's Burgenland benefits more and more. This is
becoming ever more significant.

Last but not least, in 1994, the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft established an
"Emigration Museum", which documents the bygone times and traditions, and
contains a moving collection of emigration stories. It is located in the so-called
"Hofmühle" in Güssing, at Stremstrasse 2, together with a memorial for Josef
Reichl, famous Burgenland poet and migrant.

Opening hours: May 1 to October 31, every Saturday, Sunday and public
holiday, from 2 p.m. to 6. p.m, or on request. For reservations, please call (+43) 33
22 / 425 98 (Burgenländische Gemeinschaft) or (+43) 33 22 / 423 11-23
(tourist office of Güssing).

Auf Deutsch: Die Amerikawanderung der Burgenländer

Das Burgenland ist das mit Abstand bedeutendste Auswandererland Mitteleuropas
und nimmt auch innerhalb der gesamteuropäischen Auswanderung einen
Spitzenplatz ein. Am Ende der 70er Jahre lebten mindestens 100.000 Burgenländer und
deren Nachkommen in Amerika, davon 80% in den Vereinigten Staaten, 12% in Kanada,
5% in Argentinien, 2% in Brasilien und der Rest in anderen Teilen Amerikas.

Die Burgenländer stellten auch fast immer das größte Auswandererkontingent
aller österreichischen Bundesländer. So waren die 5.346 burgenländischen
Amerikawanderer des Jahres 1922 genau 61% und die 6.683 Auswanderer des Jahres 1923
mehr als 70% aller Auswanderer aus ganz Österreich. In diesen beiden Jahren
haben im Durchschnitt monatlich 600 Burgenländer ihre Heimat verlassen, das heißt
in jedem Monat ein ganzes Dorf! Damals kam jeder 11. deutschsprachige
Passagier auf einem Auswandererschiff allein aus dem Bezirk Güssing. Im Jahre 1939
lebten 21% der im Bezirk Güssing geborenen Menschen, also jeder 5. Bewohner, in
Amerika. Das waren beachtliche 8.200 Personen.

Von Anfang hatte die burgenländische Amerikawanderung ein eigenständiges
Profil, war also nicht ein Segment der österreichischen oder der ungarischen
Auswanderung. In Chicago wurden die Burgenländer sogar als eine eigene ethnische
Gruppe geführt (Deutsche, Österreicher, Burgenländer...).

Die durch den landwirtschaftlichen Kleinbesitz bedingte Bodenarmut, welche
durch die unselige Gewohnheit der Erbteilung noch verschärft wurde, sowie die
Überbevölkerung des reinen Agrarlandes, führte zunächst zu landwirtschaftlicher
Saisonarbeit in verschiedene Gebiete Ungarns und Niederösterreichs und später
zur Auswanderung nach Amerika. Im Burgenland gab es eine Zeit, da hatte fast
jeder einen Onkel in Amerika und eine Tante in Wien.

Bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg verlassen 33.000 ihre Heimat, in der
Zwischenkriegszeit waren es 24.000 und nach dem letzten Weltkrieg 5.400. Abzüglich der
Rückwanderung beträgt der dauernde Wanderungsverlust mindestens 52.000 Personen. Die
Dunkelziffer dazugezählt liegt er jedoch erheblich höher.

Schon die ersten Einwanderer ließen sich in "german belt", dem Gürtel
deutscher Besiedlung nieder, der sich von New York über Pennsylvanien und Detroit bis
nach Chicago erstreckt. Vor allem im ländlichen Bereich von Pennsylvanien
haben sie die dortige Bevölkerungs- und Siedlungsstruktur stark mitgeprägt. Dort
haben sie auch das mitgebrachte Volkstum und die Muttersprache (in Form von
"stehengebliebenen Dialekten") nahezu unverfälscht erhalten. Für den Bau des
Panama-Kanals waren damals große Mengen von Zement erforderlich. In der Folge
entstanden zahlreiche "Zementmühlen" um die Orte Allentown, Northampton, Coplay
usw. in der Landschaft Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvanien. Diese benötigten vor dem
Ersten Weltkrieg tausende Arbeiter ,von denen ein großer Teil Burgenländer

Da die Auswanderer wieder ihre Freunde und Verwandten nachkommen ließen,
entspricht jedem Auswanderungsgebiet im Burgenland auch ein bestimmtes
Einwanderungsgebiet in Amerika. So leben in Chicago fast nur Burgenländer aus dem Bezirk
Oberwart, Auswanderer aus dem Seewinkel zogen vornehmlich nach St. Paul, die
aus der Güssinger Gegend nach New York usw.. Vor 30 Jahren lebten in Chicago
30.000 Burgenländer und deren Nachkommen, das waren 3 mal mehr Burgenländer als
in der Landeshauptstadt Eisenstadt!

Die 1956 gegründete Organisation "Burgenländische Gemeinschaft" ist der
Weltbund der Burgenländer und versteht sich auch als Interessensvertretung der
Auslandsburgenländer und als deren Servicestelle. Sie gibt auch eine Zeitschrift
gleichen Namens heraus. Ihre Bemühungen um die Erhaltung der Verbundenheit mit
der alten Heimat findet eine erfolgreiche Fortsetzung in der Organisation
"Burgenland Bunch", die von den Kindern und Enkeln burgenländischer Einwanderer in
Amerika gegründet wurde.

Es bleibt ein unbestrittener Verdienst der Burgenländische Gemeinschaft, daß
sie bei den Auswanderern das Interesse an der alten Heimat wachgehalten hat.
Sie hat zahllose Burgenländer in aller Welt vor dem Vergessenwerden bewahrt. So
hat sie dem Burgenland im Ausland ein unschätzbares Potential erhalten, das
dem Lande zu Gute kommt und zunehmend geschätzt und genützt wird.

Sichtbares Denkmal der Geschichte und der Tradition und ein berührendes
Zeugnis menschlicher Schicksale ist das von der Burgenländischen Gemeinschaft 1994
eingerichtete Auswanderermuseum in Güssing. Zusammen mit der Gedenkstätte für
Josef Reichl, dem bedeutenden burgenländischen Heimatdichter in der Ferne, ist
das Auswanderermuseum in der "Hofmühle" in Güssing, Stremtalstraße 2,

Öffnungszeiten: 1. Mai - 31. Oktober jeden Samstag, Sonn- und Feiertag von
14:00 - 18:00 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung. Anmeldung unter: 03322/42598 (Bgld.
Gemeinschaft) oder 03322/42311-23 (Informationsbüro Güssing)


Carol Tanczos writes: My brother-in-law, Erwin Tanczos is now the president
of the First Burgenlander Beneficial Society. His address is 50-44 66th
Street, Woodside, NY 11377 and his telephone number is: 718 642-6142. On Sunday
Nov. 7th is the annual Katharina Ball and Miss Burgenland is crowned.

3. KOPREINITZ, SLOVENIA (from Fritz Königshofer)

Issue 133B, reported an enquiry about a place called Kopreinitz in Slovenia.
There is a place which, until the breakup of Austro-Hungary after WW I, had the
German name "Kopreinitz in Steiermark." Today it is in Slovenia and has the
name Koprivnica pri Brezicah

I believe this little village was located in the southeastern corner of
former Lower Styria, and today lies near the border between Slovenia and Croatia.
Lower Styria became part of Slovenia, while the core of Slovenia was indeed
the old crown land of Carniola. I feel you gave the right advice pointing the
enquirer to boards for Slovenia.

There is also a Kopreinitz in Croatia. This town and its surroundings were a
major place of origin of Croats who settled in and near Rechnitz in Burgenland.
However, in 1910 no Slovenians lived in that Kopreinitz, therefore it's
probably not the one of the enquirer's family.


In 1998 Charles Wardell, our WorldGenWeb and RootsWeb editor established a
BB query board (for questions and answers). We realized that many questions
would not be of interest to all of the membership nor would it be possible to
publish all of them in the newsletter. I became the host of this board and
agreed to monitor it for compliance with the board rules. The main problem we've
had is that some people don't read the rules and don't understand that this is a
board only for Burgenland questions - there are other boards for other
geographic areas. It is of no value to put a request for some other area on a
Burgenland Austria Board and expect to get any contacts. When this happens it merely
loads the board with trash. It is up to the host to delete these. Some people
think that because they are on the net they can do as they will. I've
encountered so-called genealogists who tell me that they put their data on every
genealogical website that they can find, irrespective of any rules, etc.

Many legitimate queries have been answered and many contacts made - about 3000
are now archived. Our BB editors have answered many - Fritz Königshofer has
been very much in evidence as have some of our other editors. You can search
these archives from the board.

The BB board can be reached from the BB Homepage or by going directly to:

Newsletter continues as no. 134A

(Our 9th Year-20 Pages / 4 Email Sections Issued monthly by G. J. Berghold)
November 30, 2004
(c) 2004 G. J. Berghold - all rights reserved)

This second section of our 4-section newsletter concerns:

1. Using The LDS Family History Centers
2. Family History Cooperation From Local Priests & Pastors
3. Austrian Officials View US Elections
4. Raab Valley Definition


In a message dated 10/31/04, a new member writes: Can you please tell me
about the Family History Center in Whitehall (PA). Where is it located and how
does someone access its records?

Reply (from G. Berghold) The Mormon Church (Church Of Jesus Christ Of The
Latter Day Saints) - known as the LDS - has the world's largest collection of family
history material including most of the Burgenland church and civil records
from 1825-1921. It's available to anyone at their many family history centers.
You can visit during their opening hours (the centers are located in their
temples-churches) and use their index or permanent files. There is no charge
except when you order film - then they charge postage. When the film arrives you are
notified and you can search it using their microfilm readers. In your case
our BB members have already ordered the film listed in newsletter 133 on a
permanent basis and you won't have to order it. If you've never searched Burgenland
church records on microfilm, you will want to download our article on how to
do this from our newsletter archives - the article is in no. 18A. The records are
in Latin, German and Hungarian, but you will be able to read most of them as
they are in tabular form.

I believe the Whitehall FHC is located off of the 15th St. exit of Route 22
in Allentown. Check the Allentown phone book for the LDS temple address and
call for their opening hours. You can also find this information from the LDS
website which you can reach from our homepage link list. I'm copying Margaret
Kaiser, one of our local editors in your area, who can give you directions. Plan
on spending some time on these records - perhaps a whole day. Be sure you have
the village names and family birth/marriage/death dates available. The more
data you bring the easier the search. Bring paper, pencils etc. Do not expect
much help from the FHC staff - few have ever searched Burgenland records - but the
staff will tell you how to use their index files and their readers. You will
want to take the film record numbers (from the newsletter) with you and tell the
FHC staff that this film is on permanent loan. They will then show you where
it is. You'll enjoy the experience - like visiting long lost relatives. Good

Margaret Kaiser then sent the following: "I can add a few remarks. While I
have never visited the PA FHCs, these remarks are generic to Burgenland
research in any FHC."

1. Finding your nearest FHC

Go to
Fill in the blanks, County (United States); State (Pennsylvania). Add County
and City if you know them, but if you don't, the US and State will do. Search
and a list will be returned. There are 2 FHCs near Easton.

Allentown Pennsylvania
1881 Van Buren Drive
Whitehall, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania
Phone: 610-799-3522
Hours: T 9am-1pm, 7pm-9pm; W, F 9am-1pm; Th 9am-1pm, 6:30-9pm

Nazareth Pennsylvania
Rose Inn Avenue
Nazareth, Northampton County, Pennsylvania
Phone: 610-759-9486
Hours: T 10am-2pm, 7pm-9pm; W 5pm-9pm; Th 10am-2pm; Sun appointment only.

These phones will usually be answered during the quoted hours. You might
want to call to verify that the FHC is open when stated. Sometimes, a FHC is
closed if a volunteer is unavailable due to an emergency condition. This may not
be the case in larger FHCs where there may be more than one volunteer. Also
some FHC's close due to snow/bad weather, or have holiday/summer hours.

Nazareth may be closer to Easton. Should you find the materials on permanent
loan in Whitehall "just right" for your search, you can order duplicates of
these films to be sent to Nazareth by visiting the Nazareth FHC. FHCs rates
slightly differ. My local FHC charges $3.75 for a 6 week loan per film. Films
may be renewed twice at $3.25 each renewal. With the second renewal the film
may be held permanently (there are a few FHCs with space limitations where
permanent loans are not permitted).

Because FHCs are located within church buildings, there are rules of respect
to follow. Dress appropriately (no offensive T-shirt messages; shorts are not
suggested). No smoking on church premises (including outside), and no
caffeine beverages are permitted. You may see a few church pamphlets, but you will
not be engaged in religion conversations. Behavior is quiet "library
behavior." Our FHC had a patron who became ill from another patron's cologne, and so
our FHC has a notice requesting patrons to avoid wearing scents. You may be
asked not to use a cell phone in the FHC work area; but you may reply to calls
in a hall or outside the building. Some FHCs are cool or warm, so you might
want to layer a sweater/wrap, as needed. Allow yourself ample time for your

2. Using the Film

The Burgenland area films covering years up to October 1895 are generally
copies of church parish registers. Those that are post October 1895 are civil

There are some variances in the forms used for these registers. Generally,
the pre October 1895 registrations are entries written within a form with
several to many entries on a page (births in birth registers, for example), roughly
these are in date sequential order. Civil registrations (post October 1895)
are somewhat different. Each record was entered on a two sided form. Around
1907-1909, the entries may become multi-entries per page.

Earlier records may be recorded in Latin, later records in the vernacular or
a multi-language mix. Don't let this frighten you. Because these are
organized, in columns or "fill in the blanks" style, you simply locate surnames of
interest, dates are clear, parents names, etc. are understandable. You can
refer to the following site for translations of column titles

You might find it helpful to copy these and take them with you as a guide.
You can also print a Hungarian Genealogical Word List (No. 36335) at:
ceh.asp&ActiveTab=Place or purchase a printed version at the FHC for about
$2.75. I recommend purchasing this list as the pages are bound together, and are
less likely to go astray. Should you become puzzled, the BB may be able to
help. Make a copy of the page in question and send me an email. Some FHCs
have an on-site resource/book collection which may be of help to you.

A FHC patron assistant will show you how to make copies of pages of interest.
In most FHCs, this usually involves taking the film off the reader and
taking it to a reader/printer to make copies. There is a reasonable charge per
printed page to cover toner and paper expenses.

In some FHCs you may be asked if you need help, in others you need to ask for
help. Generally, you will find a sign-in sheet on arrival where you will
sign your name and telephone number each time you visit. You will not be called,
other than notified by phone in most centers when a film you have ordered has
arrived. Identify yourself as a first time visitor and you will be given
introductory information (in your case, where the permanent collection is, and
how to use the microfilm reader/printing equipment).

We were FHC newbies once, and probably had the same questions as you do now,
so please feel free to send your questions. I wish you a successful search.


A member writes: Reading (a recent BB article) gives me thought to look in
the Pinkafeld Pfarramt (pastoral office). They have records going back to 1700.
The LDS films only go back to 1828 and were filmed in Budapest. Those
Burgenland Priests don't let the L.D.S film there. Maybe they'd like a tip. I wish
somebody would film the Pinkafeld records before they become lost. I don't mean
the records after 1828. When it comes to marriages, Pinkafeld has records of
the origins of some of the spouses from nearby villages.

Reply: Yes it would be great if the older records were also filmed by the
LDS. The older ones become quite difficult to read and having them as microfilm
not only helps to enlarge them but allows time in the ease of one's own city.
The LDS has had problems in copying records in Austria. A series of problems
causes this:

* Diocesan misunderstanding of or non-agreement with LDS doctrine

* Misinterpretation of Austrian Privacy Laws

* Overworked priests & pastors (there is an acute shortage in Europe - many
serve more than one church)

* While Austrian government becomes more aware of the great interest immigrant
descendants have in these records, church leaders are not as aware and in
many cases consider it a nuisance and an imposition

* Some priests feel their bishop must give permission to allow access
(records from 1921 forward may be a problem under Austrian law)

* Many can no longer read the older records written in Hungarian or German

* Fear of legal implications

* Records prior to 1700 are very fragmentary and easily destroyed

* Some genealogists have been demanding or outright rude while some pastors
have been equally obtuse

On the plus side:

* Office of the Diocesan bishop in Burgenland (at Eisenstadt) is asking (has
asked?) local parishes to send their oldest records to the Diocesan library
(in Eisenstadt) - there they are available to Family History searchers who make
appointments (see web page in our homepage) - people there could not have been more
courteous and helpful when visited by me and some other BB editors

* We've had three BB members take digital photos of existing records. Not an
easy job and requires at least a week in Burgenland and an introduction to the
parish priest as well as work scheduling. They had great cooperation.

* Some of us have had good success in accessing records - I spent eleven days
with Eltendorf records - two in the Diocesan library in Eisenstadt and two in
Güssing. Again cooperation could not have been better but some other visits left
a lot to be desired.

* Records from 1828 forward give most searchers at least three or four
generations of ancestors - that coupled with four or five present generations gives
you an eight to nine generation genealogy - not too bad if you also pick up

* We have advised the LDS of the availability of other Burgenland records -
including those available from the Diocesan library. We get the feeling the LDS
is overloaded filming records that were behind the iron curtain. There are also
tons of film (from everywhere) still to be processed at Salt Lake. At this
juncture the original Burgenland microfilm is over 60 years old. I understand
microfilm has a poor shelf life and the LDS is considering digitization - this
will delay new acquisitions - a big job.

We'd all like to see microfilm or better yet digitization of everything that
is available. Maybe it will come but not in my lifetime, I'm afraid. I might
point out that few places have the large quantity of microfilm that is
available to Burgenland research - even though limited to 1828-1921.


Sixteen government officials from Austria got a firsthand look at democracy
in action Tuesday in Northampton County, PA. As guests of two state
representatives, the contingent talked about the harsh tone of the presidential
campaign. But much like in the United States, they were fairly equally divided on who
they would support. By a 9-7 margin, the group said they would narrowly
support Kerry. The unanimous favorite politician among the Austrians, not
surprisingly, is one of the country's most famous exports, the "Governator" -
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

4. RAAB VALLEY DEFINITION (from Bob Strauch)

A member writes: I am Richard Nemeth in Fairfax, VA, a second generation
American of Hungarian descent. My immigrant ancestors settled in Bridgeport, CT.
I read the item in the recent (October) Newsletter about the Raab Valley
Reunion and it activated my curiosity. My father's mother is from Gasztony,
Hungary. Is that village considered a part of the Raab Valley? Do some of your
members trace back to Gasztony? If so, are any of them associated with the names
Holecz, Saly, or Rohaly?

Bob replies: Actually, Gasztony is indeed in the Raab Valley, but the reunion
was just for the villages of Rábafüzes, Jakabháza, and Rönök. These villages
represent a special situation. They were ethnically German and, after WW-II,
most of their populations were expelled and sent to Germany. Many then came
here to the Lehigh Valley, where people had been coming from those villages
since the 1890's. So, their history is different from the other villages in the
valley, although they did have ties and connections to them.

The ethnic makeup and history of the other Raab Valley villages is somewhat
of a mystery to me. I know they all had German names as well (for example,
Gösting for Gasztony, Zackersdorf for Csákány), and I have seen German (and
Slovenian/Windisch) surnames in connection with many of them. I had a
great-great-grandmother from Csörötnek (in German Schriedling), whose maiden name was
Dorner. Someone once told me that the villages farther down along the Raab, such as
Csörötnek and Rábagyarmat (St. Ruprecht in German) were themselves once
ethnically German, but they were Magyarized either during the late 1800's or early

You mention the name Holecz. There are quite a few Holecz'/Holetz' living in
Bethlehem, but I believe they come from the ethnic-Windish/Slovenian villages
south of Szentgotthárd, such as Rábatótfalu, Felsöszölnök, Alsószölnök. I've
heard that people from these villages, as well as from villages across the
border in the region of Murska Sobota in NE Slovenia (formerly part of Vas Megye)
also settled in Bridgeport. I think they had their own church in Bridgeport,
and for the same reason the name "Holy Trinity" rings a bell. I have
Windish/Slovenian friends in Bethlehem and attended many of their events.

From what I've seen while digging through the Ellis Island Database, quite a
few people from other Raab Valley villages such as Csörötnek, Rabagyarmat,
Gasztony, etc. also came to the Lehigh Valley (mostly to Bethlehem, to a lesser
extent Allentown), and the surnames were a mixture of Hungarian, German, and

Newsletter continues as no. 134B.

(Our 9th Year-20 Pages/4 Email Sections Issued Monthly By G. J. Berghold)
November 30, 2004
(c) 2004 G. J. Berghold-all rights reserved)

This second section of our 4-section newsletter concerns:

1. New York City List Of Burgenland Immigrants (New Website)
2. Engerau & Nickelsdorf (Villages) - Creation Of Burgenland
3. BB Staff Photo
4. Active Northampton, PA BG Member Dies
5. Burgenland Society of Passaic, NJ
6. Taschler From Punitz - Good Advice For Any Beginner
7. Winter Storms 2004 Come Early To Burgenland


(ED. Note: A problem in studying the Burgenland is the lack of a database of
immigrant names. Dr. Walter Dujmovits, president of the BG has identified
some and the BB lists over four thousand more, which can be found in the BB
homepage surname list. Some BB members have created websites that list others.
Frank Paukowits and associate Frank Klepeis, have now created a database of
Burgenland immigrants who settled in metropolitan New York. Correspondence
advising me of this follows.)

In a message dated 11/7/04 Paukowits1 writes (edited):

I have been a Burgenland Bunch member for several years and have found that
the Group's resources have been invaluable. My research has been very
satisfying and rewarding. I have come to appreciate the spirit and determination of
all those Burgenländers who left their homeland, as part of the
'Auswanderung', to make a new life for themselves in the United States.

Over the years, I've had many conversations with my now-deceased 92-year-old
father-in-law, Anton Traupmann, about his relatives and friends who left
Burgenland and settled in the NYC area. He knew many people, but unfortunately
most of them are now gone.

We started listing the names of these deceased people. After many calls to
people active in the Burgenland community in New York, the list swelled to a
few hundred. The idea then came to us that maybe we should display this
information in a database for viewing on the World Wide Web. We did just that and
now have a website that is dedicated to the loving memory to all those deceased

I believe there are a number of Burgenland Bunch (BB) members who may be
interested in visiting the site and adding name(s) of relatives and friends buried
in the NYC area who are not already included. The URL for the site is:

There is a link for sending e-Mail back to us from the home page. One can
also get to the site through Google, by typing in the word "Burgenlaenders" and
clicking on the website titled, "The Home Page", that comes up on the first
page of the search.

We are also very interested in expanding the Photo Gallery page of our
website. We believe that pictures will add a real personal and human touch. Also,
if there are any BB members interested in developing a comparable database for
another geographic area, we would be willing to work with them and include
their information on our site as a separate module.

So, any help at making BB members aware of our site would be appreciated.
Would it be possible to include my e-Mail as a newsletter item? Also, would you
be good enough to perhaps provide a prominent link on your Homepage of "The
Burgenland Bunch" website to our site's Homepage. This would be a positive
step at enhancing exposure and increasing the number of deceased honorees in our
database. Furthermore, any suggestions you may have as to how we could
effectively promote even more interest in our new website would be greatly
appreciated. Frank Paukowits (BB Member).

Reply - Frank I'm very pleased to see such excellent work by you and Frank
Klepeis. We will do two things immediately. We will add your website to our
Internet Link page (Anna Kresh Editor - contact her to suggest phrasing.) I will also
feature your request in the November issue of the BB news. Since I write a
column for the BG bi-monthly Newsletter I'll plan to do an article there as
well - maybe I can plan on the Jan-Feb issue.

A suggestion to help promote the availability of your website and additions
to your database would be for you to copy the names and addresses of BB
members located in the NY area. See our website "Where we are" (Membership
page) - Hannes Graf, editor. You could send them notice of your site. Combing the 1200
member list for immigrants settling in the NY area is also a possibility. At
some point in time we can consider publishing data from your database.

Another suggestion is that you contact Klaus Gerger (our Assoc. Burgenland
Editor and BG-BB liason.) He may be interested in having your data printed and
made available at the BG Immigrant Museum in Güssing. Our membership list and
data has been there since 2001 - soon to be updated.

What you have done is important enough for me to copy some of our BB staff in
the event any of them can help with this project. Please keep me advised of
your progress. I can then mention your site on a frequent basis in the
newsletters. Best of luck on your great project.

BB Internet Editor Anna Kresh adds: I have added the following to our online
BB URL list:

Burgenlaenders Honored and Remembered - lists of Burgenlaenders buried at
cemeteries in the NYC Area; lists hometown, birth and death dates, cemetery names
and locations of burial sites. The address is:


Beth Baumeister writes: Subject: BB - Engerau inhabitants - Dear Mr. Koenigshofer:
My grandmother came to MN from Engerau in 1885. I have had a researcher
find the Austrian part of my grandmother's family. She came to the US at age 9
with her parents and I have researched that part of the family in the US. Her
mother's maiden name was Katherina Menhofer (umlaut?). They left a brother
and a sister (Karl Menhofer and Elisabeth Ritter) in Engerau. The Ritters had
two children at that time. My researcher seemed to feel that this family
(German origin) were part of the genocide which followed WW-II but other than
strongly suggesting this fact, did not say much more. There is a lady dentist
living in Vienna who has the name of Menhofer and I will try to contact her ...she
advertises on the net. Anyway, if we were victims of genocide, would there be
a list of names similar to those of the Jewish holocaust?

I have purchased Karl Rudolf's book "Engerau 1225-1946" but the 1st 96 pages
are in German. The last 10 pages are photos and I am able to decipher the
captions beneath the photos, but the German text is more than I can handle. Do
you know of someone in the US who might be able to translate those pages?

Thank you so much for your contributions to the BB Newsletters. I really
enjoy reading about an area I didn't know existed until 2 years ago. I received
an email about the BB picnic on one of our Genealogy club sites and "crashed"
the picnic not knowing if we were from there or not. The members who were
there assured me that my ancestors (grandmother's father from Nickelsdorf) were
indeed Burgenlanders.

Fritz replies: Thank you for your message. It's my pleasure to help to the
extent I am able. I know no particular source for obtaining a translation of
the Heimatbuch you mention. For volunteers, ninety pages is likely too much to
ask. However, since I have an interest in reading this booklet, I would be
willing to do so, and particularly check for any family names you know about
from your own line. You would need to make a copy and mail it to me. Is that
possible? I would also summarize for you what the booklet says about the years
of demise of the ethnic German population (1945-46), and where the refugees
ended up.

Unfortunately, I do not know what precisely happened to the ethnic German
population at the end of WW-II. Rather than a holocaust, what happened in
1945/46 was what is called ethnic cleansing today. The ethnic Germans were forced
to leave, and likely became refuges in Austria and Germany, where they and their
descendents perhaps still live. They shared the fate of many ethnic Germans
in eastern and southeastern Europe. Many of these refugees formed organizations
in Germany and Austria and had a keen interest in keeping the history and
family bonds of their hometowns alive. Among others, they wrote the "Heimatbücher,"
which are truly a creation of people who lost their homelands. Therefore,
besides the BB, it would be good for you to find out whether there is still
an existing organization of the refugees from Engerau. Maybe the booklet you
have says something about their fate.

Your ancestors' town was in old Pozsony county of Hungary, on the small piece
of this county which happened to lie on the right bank of the Danube river.
The Hungarian names of the town were Pozsonyligetfalu and Magyarsziget
("Hungarian island"), and the German names Engerau and Ungerau. In the Hungarian
census of 1910, two thirds of the population (of about 3,000) declared their
ethnicity as German, 500 as Magyar, and 300 as Slovak. Today, the town has the
name Petrzalka (inverted roof on the letter z), and is a suburb of the Slovak
capital city of Bratislava (old Pozsony, Pressburg). It may now actually be
part of Bratislava, but I don't know.

Looking at the map and ethnic composition of 1910, I wonder whether your
grandmother's hometown was not envisaged to be part of Burgenland, when this
Austrian state was newly created out of western Hungarian border areas that
predominantly had ethnic German inhabitants. The original name proposed for the new
state was Vierburgenland (land of 4 castles), because it was envisaged to
contain parts from four old Hungarian counties that all ended in "-burg"
("castle") in their German names. These counties were Vás, Sopron, Moson and Pozsony.
Their German names were Eisenburg, Oedenburg, Wieselburg and Pressburg.
Eventually, Burgenland did not contain any part of former Pozsony/Pressburg. You
can see that your ancestral home likely came very close to being part of
Burgenland, in which case its entire subsequent history would have been very

In any case, you are at the right place in the BB, besides one of your
grandmother's lines pointing to Nickelsdorf. The precise line of the eastern border
of Burgenland was drawn somehow accidentally. From its inception, the
Burgenland Bunch has always maintained an interest in the region naturally extending
into today's western Hungary and in the south into northeastern Slovenia.
The case of Engerau shows that the region covered by the BB also extends into
Slovakia. By the way, Nickelsdorf and Engerau lie close to the epicenter of the
area that produced so many world famous musicians (as covered by my series on
Burgenland composers in the BB newsletter).


Membership editor Hannes Graf recently finished an interesting graphics
project. He copied some pictures of BB staff members and created a virtual reality
picture of the entire group standing in front of Güssing Castle (3 are missing
to be added later). If you'd like to see what we all look like and put a face
to those names you've been seeing in our newsletters go to: BB-Staff.html


Theresa (Tessie) Teklits, 81, of Northampton, died Nov. 3, 2004, in Sacred
Heart Hospital, Allentown. She was the wife of the late Joseph Teklits. Born
Nov. 25, 1922, in Northampton, she was a daughter of the late John and Mary
(Kurtz) Zimitz. She was active as a member of the Burgenland Gemeinschaft, having
led groups on visits to the Burgenland and serving as a BG regional
representative. She was also active in programs of the Northampton Liederkranz and other
local ethnic affairs.


Frank Jandrowitz writes: I can't find reference to the Burgenland Society of
Passaic, New Jersey. It's the city where my grandfather located initially. Do
you have an address and/or phone number? I thought I'd contact them for
historical information they may. Thanks and really enjoy the monthly rundowns.

Reply: The addresses for the Bgld. Soc. in Passaic:

The addresses of the BG reps in Paasaic:


A reader writes:
"I am trying to find information about my g-grandfather's family. His last name
is Taschler, He came from Punitz, Austria-Hungary in the early 1900's. I have
no idea how to get information from there, can anyone help me?"

Fritz replies: My advice is that you first of all visit the web site of the
Burgenland Bunch at
Punitz was a village in western Hungary, county of Vas. However, since the end of
WW-I, it is part of the then newly-created state of Burgenland in Austria. The
name Taschler is frequent in southern Burgenland, where Punitz is now

The Roman Catholic parish was in St. Nikolaus near the district capital of
Güssing, while civil recording (which started in October 1895) was in Güssing,
or under Güssing "environs." LDS (the Mormons) have filmed the duplicate
parish records of St. Nikolaus and the civil records. For the film holdings, see Enter Varszentmiklos
(Hungarian name for St. Nikolaus) and Gussing as place names and follow the
leads to the films. One question for you to consider will be how much time you
could put into this search for your roots. If you have the time, you are likely
to find a lot.


Bob writes: The following appeared in our Sunday 11/21/04 newspaper. Not
knowing if your local paper carried the story, I thought I'd pass it on

Gale-force winds dumping heavy snow wreaked havoc across Austria and Slovakia
yesterday, blowing cars into deadly collisions, knocking out power to
thousands of homes and in Graz tearing off a balcony that killed a man below.

Several hundred cars spun out of control and ended up in snow banks along the
north-south A2 highway, where visibility was poor as gusts exceeding 60 mph
blew snow into the air. Authorities closed the A2 near the city of Graz for
more than three hours after a foot of wind-whipped snow fell.

In neighboring Slovakia, winds were clocked at 107.5 mph, the most powerful
recorded wind speed since 1936. Bad weather in Slovakia's Tatras mountains was
blamed for a least one death.

In the eastern province of Burgenland, a flower vendor's van tumbled over an
embankment, killing one passenger, an Egyptian national, and seriously
injuring the two other occupants.

Heavy winds were blamed for damage to homes, businesses and property across
Austria, where thousands of households were without electricity overnight.
Power was restored to most areas by Saturday afternoon.

Newsletter continues as no. 134C

(Our 9th Year-20 Pages / 4 Email Sections Issued monthly by G. J. Berghold)
November 30, 2004
(c) 2004 G. J. Berghold - all rights reserved)



This fourth section of our 4-section newsletter concerns:

1. Village Of Breitenbrunn
2. Frequently Asked Questions Concerning How We Operate
3. Dig Deeper - Seek And You Shall Find Things Burgenländisch

1. BREITENBRUNN (from Albert Schuch)

In response to a query concerning this village Albert Schuch writes:
Dujmovits' book does not list any immigrant names for Breitenbrunn. As in the
exhibition catalog "nach Amerika", the chart entry is for 1854 without any names.

The main text however says (on page 119, Das Gebiet [region] um den

"In Breitenbrunn sollen die ersten Amerikawanderer erst im Jahr 1907 den Ort
verlassen haben ..." (the first immigrant came from here in 1907)

The source for the earlier Breitenbrunn data appears to be an article
published by Hans Paul. I am attaching a translated summary of this article (was
published in BB newsletter 34) below.

Emigration period 1851-55: Some time ago, Hans PAUL, retired teacher and
Burgenland historian, has found material on early emigrants in the Györ-Sopron
Archives (Györ-Sopronmegyei Levéltar) in Sopron:

On 9 Aug 1850 Franz PAYER of Balf (Wolfs, near Sopron), Hungary, 26 y old son
of the Lutheran pastor, wrote to the k.k. Bezirkskommissariat in Sopron
(Ödenburg) for permission to emigrate to America, where his brother already owned a
farm with 160 acres land. The k.k. (kaiserlich-königliches Bezirkskommissariat
gave the permission, because: - Franz P. has already served in the army -
his home village Wolfs has no objections - his father has no objections, on the
contrary, will provide financial support - he has two younger brothers, so in
case the army would need soldiers in the future, one of them could replace him.
Based on this information the k.k. Distriktsregierung (district government)
in Sopron gave permission to emigrate and provided Franz P. with an emigration

From 1851 onwards (until ????), those who wish to emigrate have to appear in
person at the k.k. Regierungskommissariat in Sopron, where they have to prove
their ability to cover the emigration costs by themselves. (ship passage cost
Bremen - New York in 1855: 65 silver florins per person, children younger than
10 years pay 57 silver florins, babies younger than one year pay nothing)
Before they receive the emigration passport, they have to renounce the Austrian
citizenship as well as the right to return to Austria.

In spring 1855 Johann MARILITSCH, 43 year old bricklayer from Großhöflein,
asks for and gets permission to emigrate to America. He is married and has 8
children (aged 5 - 17 years, partly from earlier marriages of the couple, so some
have the surname ROSENITSCH).

In March 1852 Franz WALTER, watchmaker from Eisenstadt asks for permission to
emigrate with his wife, 1 year old foster-child Samuel FRIEBE and 11 year old
adopted child Elisabeth KOPF. His parents and his brothers and sisters have
emigrated in 1851. In September 1852 Magdalena KISS from Eisenstadt asks for
permission to emigrate to New York. She wants to marry a cabinetmaker from
Vienna who has settled there.

Emigrants from Purbach: in 1854: Josef TURKOVITS (1854); in 1855: Franz
SCHWARZ; Michael HACKSTOCK, 56 years, his wife Elisabeth, 46 years, son Franz, 20,
daughter Maria, 10; Paul SCHÜLLER, 33 years, his wife Maria, 30, and their
daughter Theresia, 3 years; Paul HUBER, 39 years, his wife (36 y), and 7 children
aged 1 - 17 years; Stefan SANDHOFER, 44, his wife Johanna, 41, children Paul
(19), Franz (4) and Maria (1).

Emigrants from Breitenbrunn in 1855: Josef RESCH, 57 years, his wife
Elisabeth, 40 years, their 10 children (3 - 21 years), and one grandchild; Anton
HÄNDLER, 26 years, his wife Theresia, 30, and their 3 children (2-6 years); Gregor
JANISCH, his wife Kunigunde and their 5 children (5-20 years).

Further emigrants in 1855: Matthias STROMER, weaver from Schwendgraben; Josef
BAUER from Eisenstadt, 34 years, with wife Veronika; Josef HAIDER from
Walbersdorf (his 53 years old brother is already living in America, where he owns 2
houses, 160 Joch farming land and 80 Joch forests; his brother has no heirs),
40 years old; Andreas PILLER, bricklayer from Großhöflein, 14 year old son
Franz and 10 year old daughter Theresia; Paul REINER from Purbach, his wife and
two children (his brother already in America);

(source: Hans PAUL: Frühe Amerikawanderer unserer Heimat. In: Burgenländische
Forschungen. Sonderheft VI. (Festschrift für Karl SEMMELWEIS). Eisenstadt
1981, p.133-151)


(ED. Note: If you are a recent member be sure to read this.)

Members sent the following email in various versions last month:

* please, don't sent me the letter 4 times, 1 is enough. - best wishes

Reply: The newsletter is distributed in four email parts, like 133, 133A,
133B & 133C. We cannot send as one email - it's too large.

* I only received three parts of the newsletter, A, B, & C. Have you sent D?

Reply: There is no D - the newsletter is distributed in 4 parts = 133, 133A,
133B, 133C. On occasion your server may delay one of the parts. You can find and
download missing copies from our archives site via our homepage.

* Enjoyed your website and letters!!!! Is there a chance of getting more
Austrian music on line, other websites, downloads etc??

Reply: Go to our homepage (website) and search the Internet Link (URL)
page - you will find many related sites for music, linked sites, etc.

* How do I find village histories or descriptions?

Reply: Go to our Homepage and click on Villages - then click on the village
name. If it is colored blue - a thumbnail history is available - click on it. They
are also available in our newsletter archives. Click on Archives and enter
village name in the search space.

* Are the members authorities on the surnames or villages listed with their

Reply: Some are and some are not. All are looking for subject information and
may well be able to help - feel free to contact them. Add BB to your email
subject line and be courteous.


I get much email and can't help but think about the people who send it. Often
I wish I could sit down and talk to them. Email is so terse and off-putting.
How much does that person really know about Burgenland Family History? How
deep have they searched for answers? How much of our material have they read?
What have they found? What are they looking for? How much time are they willing
to spend? How much history and geography do they know? All of this is really
necessary for me to know how best to answer their queries.

After nine years of this business I come to the conclusion that many members
and readers do not dig into our available material. Either they don't know how
or they don't want to spend the time - hopefully it's the former and not the
latter. Below is a synopsis of one week's searches (total 29) on just our query
board. It reveals that much more could have been found by using our homepage
websites. By searching the query board, these people were in effect looking to
see if anyone else had supplied something they could use. I wonder if they
also searched our Homepage Web Pages?

Count Keyword
----- -------
3 Torontal, 3 Census, 2 Dalmatia, 2 Kummer, 2 list, 2 coat, 2 passenger, 2 kelemen,
2 flommer, 2 Kerry, 2 arms, 2 Banat, 2 County, 1 pernau, 1 FOLTRAUER, 1 Tenk
1 dorner, 1 stettner, 1 Calabrese, 1 castle, 1 lockenhaus, 1 FELTRAUER, 1 John,
1 kopp, 1 taschler, 1 chersicla

Our Web Pages are shown below to which I've added some elaboration. Have you
really dug into them to find whatever you may be looking for?

* Burgenland Bunch Members: Names, e-mail addresses, and interests of 1132
Members (59 inactive) plus Burgenland map. - content is obvious but there is a
general map there - do you know what Burgenland looks like? Turn on your speakers
- that haunting melody is the "Amerika Lied" (the "to America" song popular with
immigrants - see the words by clicking on the BB Songbook.) Clicking on "Where
we are" will show you the geographic areas where BB members live.

* Burgenland Bunch Surnames: Surnames (4225) being researched by Members.
- content is obvious but this will also tell you the villages of origin as well as
where they settled.

* Burgenland Bunch Villages: Villages being researched by Members. - same as
above but with district and parish names - you can also get brief history or
descriptions of the villages. You might even find an old record that contains
your family surname.

* Burgenland Bunch Archives - Hosted by Roots Web: Newsletters. - Here you can
find everything we have ever published plus a search engine. All of our 133
newsletters (over 2500 pages) are archived and indexed - they can be
searched, read, downloaded or printed.

* Burgenland Bunch Internet Links: Our favorite Internet links. - find out
what else is available on the web - check these hundreds of related sites listed by
category. Includes BB member websites.

* Burgenland Query Board: View and post Burgenland queries. Courtesy of
Austrian GenWeb. - This is the board mentioned in the introductory paragraph. It
lists over 3000 queries and answers plus a search engine.

* Albert's Village Data: Is now online! Bezirks, parishes, Hungarian names
for Villages - what a gold mine! Names in all three languages - location of
churches and civil offices-counties and districts where villages are (were) located.

* Burgenland Bunch FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions of Burgenland Bunch
members. - general questions for new members.

*Minnesota area picnic: The 2004 Burgenland Bunch picnic. - describes a social
event for mid-west members.

* Burgenland Bunch map site: Maps of all Burgenland districts and their
neighboring regions with Austrian, Hungarian and Croatian names. - there is more
here than the title implies - not only maps but in three languages as well as lists
of inhabitants of villages over time. Also an index showing where family
names occur in our various records. This site is under constant development.

* Notice to Users: Whether a new contact or long-time Burgenland Bunch member
- PLEASE Read. - how to insure your request or query will be answered by our
staff. How to act if you want us to continue to help.

* Burgenländische Gemeinschaft - News about what is happening in Burgenland
and to Burgenländers all over the world. - the site of our sister organization.
Has pages in both English and German - also pictures and other links. Our
bi-monthly English article in the BG News can be found here - pictures as well.

* Genealogical Research - Helpful Hints: - Diocesan Archives - Diocesan
Library - Diocesan Museum in Eisenstadt. - instructions from the head of the Diocesan
Library explaining how you can search their holdings of pre 1828 church
records. Requires a visit to the Burgenland but tells what you can expect when you
get there.

* Berghold Award - Photos from Burgenländische Gemeinschaft Picnic 2001,
including presentation of award to BB Founder Gerry Berghold - this will tell you
how we've been honored by the Burgenland government and the BG. Lots of pictures
and music as well as what the annual BG Burgenland picnic is all about.
Visiting in July, why not attend?

* Burgenland Bunch "Songbook" - Web page by Ing. Johannes Graf. - want to hear
some real traditional ethnic folk music - turn on your speakers and click. Also
has a Hianzen dialect dictionary and poems.

* List of all Jennersdorf and Güssing district houses - from abt. 1857, with
house list names and house numbers - find your village and the house number where
your family lived. Other districts are being added.

* How To Use The BB Website - A Primer About How To Develop A Burgenland
Genealogy. - don't know what to do? - start here.

* Just A Little Interest In Genealogy? (The simplest, but least rewarding,
approach to Burgenland family history.) - don't have much time to devote? - try this

If you look at all of the above, you can then contact our staff to see if you
want to find more or get a question answered. You'll then know you haven't
missed anything. What is the cost of all this? - nothing material - just time and
effort. Merry Christmas.


BURGENLAND BUNCH STAFF (USA residents unless designated otherwise)
Coordinator & Editor Newsletter (Gerald Berghold)
Burgenland Editor (Albert Schuch; Austria)
Home Page Editor (Hap Anderson)
Internet/URL Editor (Anna Tanczos Kresh)

Contributing Editors:
Austro/Hungarian Research (Fritz Königshofer)
Burgenland Co-Editor (Klaus Gerger, Austria)
Burgenland Lake Corner Research (Dale Knebel)
Chicago Burgenland Enclave (Tom Glatz)
Croatian Burgenland (Frank Teklits)
Home Page village lists (Bill Rudy)
Home Page surname lists (Tom Steichen)
Home Page membership list (Hannes Graf, Austria)
Judaic Burgenland (Maureen Tighe-Brown)
Lehigh Valley Burgenland Enclave (Robert Strauch)
Szt. Gotthard & Jennersdorf Districts (Margaret Kaiser)
Western US BB Members-Research (Bob Unger)
WorldGenWeb-Austria, RootsWeb Liason-Burgenland (Charles Wardell, Austria)

A Staff Photo may be found at BB-Staff.html

BB ARCHIVES (can be reached via Home Page hyperlinks)

BURGENLAND HOME PAGE (WEB SITE) (also provides access to Burgenländische
Gemeinschaft web site.)

The BB is in contact with the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft, Hauptplatz 7,
A-7540 Güssing, Burgenland, Austria.

Burgenland Bunch Newsletter distributed courtesy of (c) 1999,
Inc. P.O. Box 6798, Frazier Park, CA 93222-6798

Newsletter and List Rights Reserved. Permission to Copy Granted; Provide
Credit and Mention Source.